State Life Ins.
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Child Protection (Table-07)

Why State Life

State Life offers complete satisfaction to our valued policyholders from issuance of policy, providing after sales service and optimizing return on Life Fund through a quality culture and to maintain ourselves leading life insurer in Pakistan. The sum assured and declared bonuses payable on maturity or death (God Forbid) are guaranteed by the Government of Pakistan.

What is Child Protection Policy (Table 07)?

A joint life protection policy that covers the life of child or either of the parents. The plan facilitates those parents who wants to cater the financial needs of their children in case of death of the breadwinner of the family. The policyholder may secure the future of the child as this provides regular annual income benefit till the expiry of policy. The sum assured and bonuses payable under this plan will be payable if both the insured survives till the maturity of the policy.

Why Buy and what needs does this fulfill?

  • To ensure that your immediate family has some financial support in the event of your demise
  • To finance your children’s education and other needs
  • To have a savings plan for the future so that you have a source of income after retirement
  • To provide for other financial contingencies and life style requirements
  • To create a supplemental source of income for your loved ones
  • To provide life coverage along with an opportunity to build a living for financially secured future.

The benefits under the plan can be further increased by attaching supplementary contract.

State Life Plans and Features

Plan Features


Plan Type

Endowment with surplus participation of 97.5%

Minimum/Maximum Age at Entry

20-50 Years of payor, 1-15 Years of child

Minimum/Maximum term

10-24 Years

Bonus participation

State Life announces a bonus every year according to its actuarial valuation and 97.5% of surplus is distributed as bonuses to all with-profit policies. The bonuses declared by State Life are guaranteed by the Government of Pakistan.

Where are the funds invested

State Life has a comprehensive investment policy and tactically invests its funds in Government Securities, Real Estate rentals, Blue Chip Equities, and Banks.

Death Benefit

If the payor dies, the future premiums are waived and the annual income benefit of Rs. 100/- per 1000 sum assured is payable to child. Upon completion of the policy term, sum assured and the accrued bonuses becomes payable. If the child dies during lifetime of payor, the benefit according to under noted schedule 1 or if additional premium (Rs. 1.5 per 1000 sum assured) was made then the benefit according to under noted schedule 2 is payable to the payor.

Surrender/ Early Withdrawal

The policyholder has the option to surrender the policy after 2 years’ premium have been paid.

Conversion Option

The policyholder has the option to surrender the policy after 2 years’ premium have been paid.

Maturity Benefit

Basic Sum Assured plus accrued Bonuses are payable upon survival of the both the lives assured to maturity date.

Loan Facility

Under this plan, after the payment of third premium, if the policy holder immediately needs money, he/she can avail a maximum loan of 80% of the net surrender value of the policy.

Free-Look Period

The policy can be cancelled at the option of the policyholder within (14) fourteen days of its commencement date.

Grace period: 

Policyholders can pay the premium to state life within a grace period of 31 days after it falls due.

Underwriting Requirements

The plan will be subject to underwriting as per standard practice of State Life



Accidental Death Benefit (ADB)

If this supplementary contract is availed, then on his/her accidental death (God forbid) during the term of policy, an amount equal to basic sum assured becomes payable.

Term Insurance Rider (TIR)

If this supplementary contract is availed, then on his/her death (God forbid) during the term of contract, an amount equal to basic sum assured becomes payable.

Accidental Indemnity Benefit (AIB)

If this supplementary contract is availed, then on his/her accidental death (God forbid) during the term of policy, an amount equal to basic sum assured becomes payable. Proportionate amount of sum assured is payable in the event of loss of two or more limbs or loss of sight in both eyes. For other injuries, weekly indemnities for total or partial disability are paid. Thereafter, an annuity will be payable upto maximum of 10 years.

Family Income Benefit (FIB)

If this supplementary contract is availed, then on his/her death (God forbid) during the term of contract, an annuity of 10% to 50% per annum of the basic sum assured is payable under the main policy till the expiry of rider.

Waiver of Premium (WP)

If this supplementary contract is availed, then on his/her total or permanent disability due to accident, the premium on the policy is waived.

Special Waiver of Premium (SWP)

If this supplementary contract is availed, then the premium on the policy to be waived during total or permanent disability when he/she is unable to engage in any occupation.


Age nearest birthday of the Assured child at death

Deduct from the age of the older life

1 Year

10% of Sum Assured plus 10% Bonuses (if any)

2 Year

20% of Sum Assured plus 20% Bonuses (if any)

3 Year

30% of Sum Assured plus 30% Bonuses (if any)

4 Year

40% of Sum Assured plus 40% Bonuses (if any)

5 Year

50% of Sum Assured plus 50% Bonuses (if any)

6 Year

60% of Sum Assured plus 60% Bonuses (if any)

7 Year

70% of Sum Assured plus 70% Bonuses (if any)

8 Year

80% of Sum Assured plus 80% Bonuses (if any)

9 Year

90% of Sum Assured plus 90% Bonuses (if any)

10 Year or more

Full Sum Assured plus Full Bonuses (if any)



Age nearest birthday of the Assured child at death

Amount payable

1 Year

20% of Sum Assured plus 20% Bonuses (if any)

2 Year

40% of Sum Assured plus 40% Bonuses (if any)

3 Year

60% of Sum Assured plus 60% Bonuses (if any)

4 Year

80% of Sum Assured plus 80% Bonuses (if any)

5 Year

Full Sum Assured plus Full Bonuses (if any)




Main Plan Premium Rate (Rs 1000 Sum Cover)


FIB (Rs 1000 Sum Cover) at 20 years term

ADB (Rs 1000 Sum Cover)


























  • for rates specific to your age and term please contact our representative
  • policy fee will be applicable on premium
  • Rebate of 0.5 applicable on main plan premium for sum assured greater than equal to Rs. 300,000/-



This product is underwritten by State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan. The past performance of State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan is not necessarily a guide to future performance. A personalized illustration of benefits will be provided to you by our representative. Please refer to the notes in the illustration for detailed understanding of the various terms and conditions. A description of how the contract works is given in the policy privileges and conditions. This products brochure only gives a general outline of the product features and benefits and the figures used above are indicative and for illustration purposes only.