State Life
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Endowment Assurance by single premium (Table-09)

Why State Life

State Life offers complete satisfaction to our valued policyholders from issuance of policy, providing after sales service and optimizing return on Life Fund through a quality culture and to maintain ourselves leading life insurer in Pakistan. The sum assured and declared bonuses payable on maturity or death (God Forbid) are guaranteed by the Government of Pakistan.

What is Endowment Plan (Table 03)?

As the name suggests, the plan is a savings and protection scheme which facilitates the policyholder to pay the premium in a lump sum single payment at the time of inception. The policyholder receives complete sum assured and full-term bonuses ranging from 10 years to 50 years at maturity or earlier death under this plan. The benefit structure is same as Endowment Plan (Table 03).

Based on current bonus rates 2022

Policyholder's age at issue 30
Selected Sum Assured 1,000,000
Term of Policy 10
Single Premium 699,000


Mr. Zain is writer who recently received huge recognition for his recent book. He invested the amount the amount he received in a single lump sum payment for short term.

Then for the next 10 years, he was worry-free for any additional payment and received almost twice of the invested amount as maturity value (i.e 1.5 million). Now he can pay the remaining installments of his new house at once.  

Policyholder's age at issue   25
Selected Sum Assured   500,000
Term of Policy   20
Single Premium   249,100


Saima recently got married and invested the money she received at wedding for any contingencies.

After 10 years, her husband was having a surgery where she availed loan facility from SLIC (80% of cash value) to ensure her husband’s surgery at a renowned and trustworthy hospital. She was provided almost 1.6 times of her invested amount (i.e 3.8 lacs). She manages to repay the loan in 3 years. 

At the age of 45 on the completion of policy, she received 1.8 million (7x of her total premium paid) as maturity value which she used to plan better future with her kids.

Policyholder's age at issue 40
Selected Sum Assured 5,000,000
Term of Policy 25
Single Premium 2,230,600


Mr. Rashid is businessman who recently sold his property to invest in his business. Since the property was of higher value, he decided buy an insurance policy with one-time payment for life protection and saving. 


But unfortunately, he was unable to survive till maturity of the family and dies in the 21st policy year. The death claim of 18.8 million is payable to his family which is 8 million of his investment. His family can have a financial support and can plan their future accordingly.


Why Buy and what needs does this fulfill?

  • To ensure that your immediate family has some financial support in the event of your demise
  • To avoid annual payments and ensure protection with just one lump sum payment
  • To finance your children’s education and other needs by only one time investment
  • To provide for other financial contingencies and life style requirements
  • To provide life coverage along with an opportunity to build a living for financially secured future.
  • To be worry-free from lapsed policy due to non-payment of premium and long-term coverage with annual returns added to policy.

State Life Plans and Features

Plan Features Description
Plan Type Endowment with surplus participation of 97.5%
Minimum/Maximum Age at Entry 20-60 Years
Minimum/Maximum term 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 Years, Max maturity age = 70
Bonus participation State Life announces a bonus every year according to its actuarial valuation and 97.5% of surplus is distributed as bonuses to all with-profit policies. The bonuses declared by State Life are guaranteed by the Government of Pakistan.
Where are the funds invested State Life has a comprehensive investment policy and tactically invests its funds in Government Securities, Blue Chip Equities, Banks, etc.
Death Benefit Basic Sum Assured plus accrued Bonuses are payable on death (God forbid) of the life assured under this plan
Surrender/ Early Withdrawal The policyholder has the option to surrender the policy after at least one full year has elapsed since the commencement date.
Maturity Benefit Basic Sum Assured plus accrued Bonuses are payable upon survival of the life assured to maturity date.
Loan Facility Under this plan, if the policy holder immediately needs money, he/she can avail a maximum loan of 80% of the net surrender value of the policy.
Free-Look Period The policy can be cancelled at the option of the policyholder within (14) fourteen days of its commencement date.
Grace period:  Not Applicable
Underwriting Requirements The plan will be subject to underwriting as per standard practice of State Life

Single Premiums for an Assurance of Rs. 1,000/-

Maturity Age

Terms of Assurance

10 years

15 years

20 years

25 years

30 years

40 years

50 years

Up to 52









































  • policy fee will be applicable on premium
  • Rebate of 0.5 applicable on main plan premium for sum assured greater than equal to Rs. 300,000/-


This product is underwritten by State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan. The past performance of State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan is not necessarily a guide to future performance. A personalized illustration of benefits will be provided to you by our representative. Please refer to the notes in the illustration for detailed understanding of the various terms and conditions. A description of how the contract works is given in the policy privileges and conditions. This products brochure only gives a general outline of the product features and benefits and the figures used above are indicative and for illustration purposes only.

Frequently Asked Questions

Death claim is usually payable to the nominee/ assignee or the legal successor, as the case may be. However, if the deceased policyholder has not nominated/ assigned the policy or not made a will, the claim is payable to the holder of a succession certificate or such evidence of title from a Court of Law.

State Life distributes its profits @ 97.5% (highest in the insurance industry) among it policyholders every year in the form of bonuses. Bonuses are credited to the account of the policyholders and paid at the time of maturity or at the time of death (if earlier). Bonus is declared as a certain amount per thousand of sum assured.

Life insurance is normally offered after a medical examination of the life to be insured. However, to facilitate greater spread of insurance and also as a measure of relaxation, State Life has been extending insurance cover without any medical examination, subject to certain conditions. This facility is called Non-medical Scheme.

Underwriting of a risk involves consideration of material facts on the basis of which a decision will be taken whether to accept the risk and if so at what rate of premium.

The amount payable by State Life on termination of the policy contract at the desire of the policyholder before the expiry of policy term is known as the surrender value of the policy. 

It is not possible to raise money against your life insurance policy. However, there is a provision available by way of assignment or mortgaging the policy provided the policy has been in force for a minimum stipulated period.

The calculation of life insurance premiums is primarily based on age of the person to be insured, sum insured and term of the policy.

The policyholder has to apply for loan in a prescribed form and submit the policy document with the form duly completed.

A policyholder can repay the loan amount either in part or in full anytime during the term of the policy.

Death claim is usually payable to the nominee/ assignee or the legal successor, as lhe case may be. However, if the deceased policyholder has not nominated/ assigned the policy or not made a will, the claim is payable lo the holder of a succession certificate or such evidence of title from a Court of Law.

When the policy money becomes due for payment on the death of the policyholder, it can be paid only to that person who is legally entilled to give a valid and effective discharge to the Corporation. lf the policy bears nomination, the claim is settled in favour of lhe nominee. Similarly, if the policy is assigned, the assignee receives the claim amounl. lt should be noted that an assignment of a policy automatically cancels the existing nomination. Hence, when such a policy is reassigned in favour of the policyholder, it is necessary to make fresh nomination.

When a policyholder wants to change his address in State Lifeia%s records, notice of such charrge should be given lo the zonal office servicing his policy. Policy records can be transferred from the zonal office thal services the policy to any other zonal office nearest to the policyholde/s place of residence. The correct address facilitates better services and quicker settlemenl of claims.

When the premium is not paid within the days of grace provided after the due date, the policy lapses. The grace period in case of yearly, half-yearly and quarterly modes of paymenl is one month and in case of the monthly mode of payment, it is 15 days.

A lapsed policy may be revived during the lifetime of the life insured, bui within a period of 5 years from the due date of the first unpaid premium and b€fore the date of maturity. Pevival of a lapsed policy is considered either on nonmedical or medical basis depending upon the age ofthe life insured at the time of revival and the ium to be revived.

No alteration is permissible in the policy document - the evidence of contract, unless both the parties to the contracl agree. After the policy is issued, a policyholder in a number of cases finds the terms not suitable to him or her and desires to change them to suit his or her convenience. State Life also realizes thal insurance being a long-term contract, certain changes under given circumslances might necessitate an alteration of the contract. Keeping in view I l the basic principles of insurance and administrative convenience, State Life permits some allerations. As a rule, State Life will not permit alterations wilhin the 1st year from the commencement of the policy.

The loss or destruction of a policy document does noi in any way absolve the Corporation of the liability of payment of policy monies when the claim arises. lf the policy is lost or destroyed, claim or sum insured will be paid to the claimant or policyholder after he or she furnishes an indemnity bond jointly with two sureties. Similarly, a policy can be surendered even if the original policy documenl is lost. However, for the purpose of loan or survival benefil one has to obtain a duplicate policy. The policy being a legal document, the issue of duplicate policy involves the normal procedures like issuing a newspaper advertisement.

A lapsed Life Insurance policy can be revived lvithin 5 years ftom the date of the llrst unpaid

It is not possible to raise money against your life insurance policy. However, there is a provision available by way of assignment or mortgaging the policy provided lhe policy has been in force for a minimum stipulated period.

ln case the policy is lost, policyholder should get a duplicate policy issued. State Life issues it after completion of certain formalilies and a nominal fee

A lapsed policy can be rcvived within five years from lhe dale of the first unpaid premium.

The calculation of life insurance premiums is primarily based on four laclots iLy. age of the person to be insured insured, type of policy, sum insured and term of the policy.

Life insurance is mainly considered as a saving instrument rather than an inveslment avenue as it promotes compulsory savings besides protecting the family of the policyholder in the event of unforeseen happening. lt is the only saving inslrument, which covers the life risk. A loan can also be availed against the State Life insurance policies

Planning for the financial consequences of a premature death is an essential part of every financial plan. Generally, the consequences are simply too large to ignore and cannot be totally covered with your own resources.

Life insurance is nothing but a contracl with an insurance company under which the insured (purchaser) pays a premium in exchange for coverage of specitied losses. Life ;nsurance protects your family against the risk of the premalure death of you (or your spouse). Life insurance planning should consider your family's s.lrort-term needs (for example, medical expenses) and long-term needs (for example, replacing your income).

ln the course of our life we are accosted by risk-that of failing health, financial losses, accidents and so on. lnsurance is a means by which life's uncedainties are addressed in financial terms. lt offers a monetary comp€nsation against those losses. lnsurance is considered more as a hedging mechanism rather than a true investmanl avenue. Life insurance, in particular is essentially acknowledged as a mechanism which eliminates risk substituting certainty for uncertainty primarily by lransferring risk from the insured to the insurer.

At present loans are granted up to 80% of the Surrender Value for policies, where the premium due is fully paid-up. The rate of profit or return charged is '10% per annum compounded semiannually.

Policyholders are eligible to take loan on their policies subject to certain rules and regulations. 

The policyholder has to apply for loan in a prescribed form and submit the policy document with the form duly completed.

Cunently State Life is charging 10% interest on policy loans. lnterest is payable half-yeady. 

A policyholder can repay the loan amount eilher in part or in full anytime during the term of the policy.

A policyholder can repay the loan amount eilher in part or in full anytime during the term of the policy.

lf loan is not repaid during the term of the policy or eariy claim, the amount of loan plus profit or relurn, if any, will be deducted from the claim money and the balance amount will be paid to the person making the claim.

The very fundamental principle of spreading of the risk is aclually practiced by the insurance companies by reinsuflng the risks that they have insured.

Underwriting of a risk involves consideration of material facts on the basis of which a decision will oe taken whether to accepl the risk and if so at what rate of premium.

lf the policy has acquired a surrender value and a premium has remained unpaid beyond the grace period, the policyholder will entitled to benefits under one of the following two options given hereinafrer, depending on the option exercised (if any) in his Proposal for this policy: Option A Option B : Automatic Premium Loan Automatic Paid-up Provided the surrender value of the policy exceeds the total of due premiums(s) remaining unpaid and any other amount owed to State Life. The option can be exercised at the time of taking the policy or at any ime thereafrer while the policy is in force. The option can be changed subsequently by written intimation to and endo;sement in the policy by Stale Life, so long as no premiums remain unpaid beyond the grace period. lf no option has b€en exercised by the policyholder, b€nefits under ie%automatic paid-upie% option will apply

A  Automatic paid-up Option

This policy will be converted into a paid-up policy. The paid-up Sum lnsured will be specially calculaled to allow for the clearance of all outstanding dues of Slate Life againsl the policy. No further premium(s) will be payable but the sum insured will be reduced. Any bonuses attached to the policy will be taken into consideration while determining the paid-up sum insured. A policy once paid-up will not be entitled to any further bonuses. lf the specially calculated paid-up sum insured works out to be less than Rs.100/ the policy will not be converted into paid-up but will be treated as having been forfeited losing all its benefits. A policy thus made paid-up may be revived for full sum insured as per provision of condition No-4 above

B Automatic Premium Loan Option

So long as the nel surrender value of the policy equals or exceeds any due premium remaininJ unpaid beyond its grace period, State Life will continue to keep this policy in full force, and treat the said premium as paid by creating an automatic premium loan against the nel surrender value of the policy. When the net surrender value of the policy becomes less than a due premium remaining unpaid beyond its grace period, the policy will be kept in full force for a i I further broken period. This broken period will bear the same proportion to the full period of the unpaid premium as the net surrender value bears to the unpaid premium. The policy, will automaticaliy be forfeited and loie all beneflts at the expiry of the said broken period. Protil or retum (however called or described) will be charged on automatic premium loan at rates determined by State Life from time to time, so long as any automatic premium loan along with profit or relum (However called or described) is outstanding against this policy, any: payment received by State Life will first be applied to reduce this debt.